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Reading corner in garden refuge

To liven up your experience in the Garden you can enjoy books in our little bookcase. 
You can either borrow the books or take them home in exchange for some of the useless books you have at home. We also appreciate if you bring any other interesting book as well.
After reading the books, please, always return them back to the bookshelf.

Exhibition of exotic birds

In subtropical greenhouse there is going to take place the 77th year of the exhibition of exotic birds. It is organised by Friends of Exotic Birds Club which supports breeding exotic birds in the Czech Republic since 1930. The exhibition starts on Friday 19 August and lasts until Sunday 4 September. It is open daily from 10am to 5pm. 


International exhibition of killifish

From 23 June to 30 June you can see over a hundred species of killifish and other aquatic animals in the Botanical Garden. The exhibition is open daily from 10am to 6pm and it is located in the subtropical greenhouse.

Exhibition of carnivorous plants

On Friday 10th June exhibition of carnivorous plants was started in upper exhibition greenhouse. It is held by Darwiniana society (darwiniana.cz).

You can see not only carnivorous plants there but some orchids as well. On top of that you can buy some of the plants as well as tools for growing them.

The ehibition is open every day from 9am to 6pm until Sunday 19th June. Asmission is 30 Kč for adults and 15 Kč for students, seniors and 60 Kč for families.

Events in 2016

Date Exhibitions
11. 1. – 14. 2. Paintings inspired by Botanical Garden
30. 4. – 22. 5. Fairy tale landscapes of succulents
18. 5.  Fascination of Plants Day – Discoveries fromthe Plant World
28. 5. – 12. 6. Cacti and succulents – spring part
11. 6. Prague Museum Night (program in the Garden for the whole family, 10:00 – 17:00)


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