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Cacti and succulents – spring exhibition

The exhibition will take place since May 31 until June 15, 2019 and will be open 10 am to 5 pm, except for the last day, on which it will close at 4 pm.

Basic fee: 60 Kč
Children: 30 Kč
Familly: 130 Kč

We’re looking forward to your visit.

Limited entrance to the exposition of succulent plants

Dear visitors, entrance to the exposition of succulent plants will be limited for about two weeks since the 25th of February 2019.

Opening hours during the holidays

The Christmass exhibition will be open every day even during holidays.

Greenhouse expositions will be open as usually, except for these days:

December 24 – 10:00 to 12:00
December 25. – closed
December 26. – closed
December 31. – closed
    January 1. – closed

We wish you a merry Christmass, a happy new year, and lots of fun with plants!

20. Abandoned cats adoption exhibition

The exhibition takes place on November 17th 2018, 10am – 5pm, in the upper greenhouse of our botanical garden.

Greenhouse closed on 3rd October 2018

Dear visitors,
The greenhouse will be closed all day on Monday (3rd October). You are welcome to explore the outdoor expositions, which are still in bloom.

Invitation to the exhibition of aquarium fish

Besides aquarium fish there will be exotic reptiles, birds and rodents as well!

Adults ……….. 80 Kč
Children ….. 40 Kč
Family … 200 Kč

Exhibition of Cacti and Succulents

The exhibition will be open every day since 10 am to 6pm, on the last day (16th September) it will close at 16:00. 


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