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Greenhouse closure on October 12 and 13

The greenhouse will be closed for technical reasons on Saturday October 12. On Sunday October 13 it will open at 12:00.
We apologize for eventual complications.

Orchids 2019

Admission prices:
full: 100 Kč
reduced: 50 Kč

The exhibition is open daily 10:00 - 17:00, last visitors can enter at 16:30.

Exhibition of aquarium fish 2019

For more info on this year’s exhibition of aquarium fish, please contact the organizers:
tel.: 774 977 259
mail: voleman@seznam.cz

Exotic birds exhibition

The exhibition will take place since August 16 until September 1.
Open daily 10 am – 18 pm, on the last day the exhibition closes at 4 pm.
Admission fee:
Full ……. 100 Kč
Reduced … 50 Kč


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